It was a small group but you wouldn’t know it by the many topics covered at the Meet & Greet with Karen at Julie Garner and Mark Miller’s home, Tuesday, September 26th.
Water and sewer; new garbage collection rates; what’s up with the old mill site; affordable housing; the opioid crisis; and even Community Transit Bus #109 which will not stop at the Park and Ride Lot north of town to avoid using the roundabout! This latter issue was a new one for Karen but she was on top of the others.
Karen’s detailed grasp of the city’s workings from her nine years of elected experience sparked a discussion of her opponent, John Kartak’s lack of elected or even volunteer experience in city affairs plus his failure to finish high school. Co-host Reverand Mark, the former Pastor of St John’s, is concerned that if elected, a Kartak administration might upset the balance of community service thanks to the generosity of many groups in town.
Our group wished there could be a debate where voters could compare first hand the wide gap of knowledge of the city’s 28 million dollar operation between the two candidates for strong mayor.
Perhaps this will happen at the League of Woman Voter’s Candidates Forum on Saturday, October 7 at the Snohomish High School PAC, 3-5p.
I took a spot close to the cookies.